
We offer a range of Marine programs – click on the individual programs below for our highlight sheet, applications and underwriter contacts. All Marine products can be quoted & issued on our self-serve Broker Platform - JET.


Regardless how large or how small the powerboat is, we provide an excellent marine insurance policy. Designed for boaters, by boaters.
Regardless how large or how small the sailboat is, we provide an excellent marine insurance policy. Designed for boaters, by boaters.
Luxury Yachts ( >$500,000 )
Regardless how large or how small the Luxury Yacht is, we provide an excellent marine insurance policy. Designed for boaters, by boaters.
PWC (eg. Jet Ski)
Does your client have a 1, 2 or 3 seater personal watercraft... regardless, we provide an excellent marine insurance policy. Designed for boaters, by boaters.